Week 8: color

This week, we continued delving into color still life. The items were brought in by Prof. Garguilo and placed into still life settings. We actually began this painting on Thursday of week 7 and continued into week 8. W
The setups were full of complimentary colors and we were to choose 4-5 items with an interesting composition. We were to concentrate on details and shadows, as well as the interesting interactions of the colors.

Here's is pictures of the setup, including the portion I chose to paint.

After the first class, everything was blocked or at least drawn in, however, the color of the sheet was off and I had a lot of detail work to do.

In the second class, we had more time to work and the result was much better. I was able to see that the sheet actually had a green undertone. I think in the end, I was the only one to catch that and while my green shade was too dark to begin, I was able to tone it down. Again, I am having trouble with shadows and I am beginning to think I need to take a strategy from my sip and swirl classes. Do all of the background before working on details. That way, I will be able to get the blending correct.

We were given extra time to fix things in the paintings before final grading as this is a big grade. Unfortunately, I was at a conference the entire weekend, so did not have time to work on it. Turns out, few spent as much time as they should have, so additional time was granted. I hope to fix the shadows In my extra time.

Update: I finally had some time to work on this painting. I was able to figure our the draping and t he shadows are better. But I also worked more on the reflections and I am pretty happy with the result. If I didn't have to teach tomorrow, I'd be able to do more, but it is pretty good now.
