Week 6: Adding Color!

It is hard to believe we are into week six. Today, Prof. Garguilo set up more still life, but this time with one colored piece. That colored piece was set so that it's reflection showed up in a reflective piece. Thus, we had the reflection, the object, and any halo effect from the object to deal with. The still life I chose is below:

I chose this still life because of the orange. The range of colors started with a gorgeous bright orange to a bright yellow. I constantly take pictures of flowers and sunsets with these colors because I find them energizing and beautiful.  Of course, the second I looked up and caught a glimpse of a coral vase across the room, I wished I had moved quickly enough to get to that still life. But by the time I saw it, too many had crowded around it.

The first thing that I had to do was mix the colors. In particular, I needed to mix black.  We had to get black from a mix of primary colors. In particular, I mixed cadmium yellow medium, alzarian red, and ultramarine blue. I had some trouble getting beyond brown with this mix until Prof. Garguilo suggested adding pthalo green.  Once I had the black, I used white to create gray and did some drawing. I really need to stop and take more pictures of the initial stages. However, from there, I worked on filling in each item making to work around the canvas so I didn't make any area muddy. The one thing I didn't do was to work on the background. I will admit that this was a shortfall in my drawing class as well. I really need to work that out first. It might help solve my "too thin paint" issue.  I got caught creating more black at the end of class and ultimately had to toss it. I need to get some small containers in case this happens again. I hate to waste paint.


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