More Week 6: Color Still Life

Today I was so proud of myself because despite a 14 hour workday yesterday, I thought I had managed to get my homework done. Of course, I was wrong. I was supposed to bring a fruit or vegetable. Ironically, I had been debating whether I had time to go to the farmers market before class. But that thought did not remind me of my homework.

Thankfully, we had enough items for today's still life set-ups. We did not have a wide range of color, though, so some colored items were added. This the setup I chose to paint:

This exercise proved difficult for most of us in class. Getting the colors mixed properly was an issue. I changed colors a lot. However, we were advised to "draw" with a very thin burnt Siena and then start adding color.

Here is the progress. The one thing I did that really seemed to work for the fruit was to blend in a yellow on top of the colors.  However, I was very frustrated with the neutral colors. I apparently do not see them the same as others. I wonder if that means it's time for another eye check. Dad was fairly young when he developed glaucoma and cataracts. And I inherited his thin corneas.

However, here is what I managed to get done:

I did not get to the small cube or most of the shadows, or the table. But some of the items do not look bad. However, this made me like the monochromal work we had been doing.


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