Week 3 Homework

The homework posts are backward because I had to go to training when this one was assigned. However, I finally got to complete this. This was more still life/monochromatic practice. And now that I am taking a picture, I see that I need to repair it a bit. I have this beautiful blue glass vase that is interesting because of variations in thickness of the glass. I have tried to draw this vase to no avail, so I thought I would use it for this homework. Problem is, I couldn't decide what else to put on the picture. It happened that my Murphy's Oil Soap bottle was nearby, so I thought it was an interesting contrast. This is what resulted.

As you can probably see, the vase has a "hunchback" problem on the right. I will have to fix that before turning this in.  After some repairs, this is the result was this.

There is still an issue with coverage. Close up, you can still see canvas through the paint.

This is something I am working on.


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