ART223 Week 1

As part of my Intro to Painting class, I have been asked to set up a blog.  This blog will follow my painting journey to begin with.  I hope to continue using it after this class to keep track of my art journey. 

Week 1:
We created images using black and white paper. Still lifes were set up in three locations in our darkened studio.  We were given instructions to first take a picture of the still life you would like to create and make the photo a black and white that merged the grays into the black. 

Once we had that approved, we then had to create a picture, using only white and black paper by squinting to meld the dark and white.  Thankfully, I am pretty much blind, so it was easy to blur the vision for me just by taking off my glasses. 

Here are my two images.  The first is my paper image, the second my photograph:

We were told to bring them back this week and I have to wonder if we will paint them next.


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