Final Project: Last Class Workday

Today was the final push. When we arrived, we were told it was time to add some cool highlights. Prof. Garguilo said he would come around and work with us individually, so I set forth with working on the background. After short discussion, we decided I should start by painting a thin coat of alizarin red onto the current background. That could then dry really well while I was working on the rest of the portrait, so when I did the glaze later, it would be ready. After painting on the alizarin red, I was really tempted to just leave it that color.

However, it was time for me to work on smoothing the contours, so I had time to decide. I had chatted with Prof. Garguilo during the last class session about using dry-brushing to Smooth the contours, so the piece I was missing was how to mix the cool flesh-tones. I grabbed him quickly for a demonstration and then set to work.  The key here was to establish a range of flesh-tones that would ease the shadows Into the lights and then use a dry brush to apply these colors. If done correctly, you end up with smooth contours which make so much more sense that what I had before.

The cool highlights really helped as well. After working on most of the face, I realized that we were running out of time and I needed to finish the background. I finished the background with a glaze of burnt number and alizarin red.

 I have more work to do on the bridge of the nose and the neck, but I am overwhelmed that this tuned out so well. Now it is on to the homework project and we will critique on Tuesday. This has been a great class! I am so glad I took it!


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