Personal Painting: Portrait Surprise
Mom posted a really great picture of Bob just before Christmas. They were at Pizza Sam's and they both looked so happy. I decided I could use that picture to paint a portrait of Bob for Mom. Here is the picture and the close-up I am using for the portrait: From this close-up, I started by drawing the portrait. I did this before Christmas and at first wasn't convinced. So, it has sat for a couple weeks for me to start painting. But I finally decided that without fine detail it is really hard to see what it will look like finished. And besides, ever other time I looked at it, it did look like Bob. So, today, I decided to take advantage of the Open Create at Captured Community and start working on it. I worked for About 2 hours and it started coming together. I have a lot of work to do, but I feel like it is coming along. So, here is the first round of painting.